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As a qualified yoga teacher trained in India, I bring elements of Eastern Philosophy as well as a strong awareness of the continuous mind, body, spirit connection into my therapeutic work.  I also bring my psychotherapeutic training into my yoga sessions, for example by creating classes that are focused on dealing with anxiety, depression and the stress of everyday life.


My passion is helping people to discover who they really are and assisting them to find the courage to be just that.

My approach is holistic, interactive and intuitive.  I draw on many different internal and external resources to inform my work.  

Meditating in Mountains

My Story

Introspection has always been a part of my life.  I believe that it makes life worth living.  For me, introspection is about looking inwards to find the truth of who we are.  

My own journey within began at 21 years old when my father passed away.  It was my first close encounter with death.  It caused the world as I knew it to collapse, and brought forth a period of depression during which I started to question who I was and what my life was about.  I decided to travel in order to move away from everything that I knew and to challenge all of my old programming.  These new experiences helped me to learn first of all who I was not, and then ultimately, who I was.  Through my travels and a growing interest in psychology, I developed a desire to better my life as well as the lives of others with whom I came in contact.

The teachings I have come across on my own path, as well as the insights I have gained, all contribute to who I am and what I bring to the therapeutic space.

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